15-16 nov. 2021 - LORIA, Villers-lès-Nancy (France)
Segmentation of ordered skin layers within histological images with a structural guarantee
Thomas Langrognet, Etienne Decencière  1  , Thérèse Baldeweck  2  , Hélène Zucchi, Thomas Bornschloegl@
1 : Centre de Morphologie Mathématique  (CMM)  -  Site web
Mines ParisTech
35 Rue Saint-Honoré - 77305 Fontainebleau cedex -  France
2 : L'Oréal recherche
Aulnay-sous-bois -  France

This presentation aims at introducing a novel approach to segmentation providing a structural guarantee, resulting from a study carried out in collaboration with Oréal research. In this study, consisting in the segmentation of different skin layers within histological images of reconstructed human epidermis, we combined a U-Net type architecture with a « cumulative layer » in order to enforce a layered structure of the output. Moreover, we include an alternate sequential filter within the network to further constrain the shape of the layer contours. The resulting model is trained end-to-end and is fully convolutional.

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