15-16 nov. 2021 - LORIA, Villers-lès-Nancy (France)
Toward characterization of 3D bijective digitized reflections
Stéphane Breuils, Yukiko Kenmochi  1  , Eric Andres  2  , Akihiro Sugimoto@
1 : Université Paris-Est, LIGM, CNRS
CNRS : UMR8049
2 : XLIM  (XLIM)  -  Site web
Université de Limoges, CNRS : UMR7252, Université de Poitiers
123 Avenue Albert THOMAS 87060 LIMOGES CEDEX -  France

In this talk, we focus on 3D digitized reflections, whose compositions
lead to 3D rotations, and characterization of their bijectivity. The chosen
framework is geometric algebra since it allows to reformulate and
redefine problems involving geometric transformations in a more
intuitive and general way. There are less degrees of freedom for
reflections than rotations, allowing us to visualize bijective ones
using the verification algorithm. This brings to us the conjecture that
bijective digitized reflections in 3D are a simple extension of the 2D
cases and that no other bijective digitized reflection exists in 3D. Affirmatively
answering this conjecture proves that there are no other
bijective digitized 3D rotations beyond the simple 2D extension. 

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